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Validity and reliability



Definition of Validity

Validity refers to the appropriateness of the interpretation of the results and not to the test itself, though colloquially we speak about a test being valid.

Category of Validity

>> Content/Face validity
  1. Content validity addresses the match between test questions and the content or subject area they are intended to assess
  2. Face Validity refers to the extent to which a test or the questions on a test appear to measure a particular construct as viewed by examinees
>> Validity related to the criteria

A criterion-related validation study can be either predictive of later behavior or a concurrent measure of behavior or knowledge.

  • Predictive validity refers to the "power" or usefulness of test scores to predict future performance.

  • Concurrent Validity needs to be examined whenever one measure is substituted for another, such as allowing students to pass a test instead of taking a course.

>> Validity of constructs
  1. Construct validity refers to the degree to which a test or other measure assesses the underlying theoretical construct it is supposed to measure.
  2. Divided into two:
  • Convergent validity consists of providing evidence that two tests that are believed to measure closely related skills or types of knowledge correlate strongly. That is to say, the two different tests end up ranking students similarly.

  • Discriminant validity, by the same logic, consists of providing evidence that two tests that do not measure closely related skills or types of knowledge do not correlate strongly

Factors that influence the validity
  1. Preparation of questions paper
  2. Preparation of marking scheme
  3. assesment of answer scheme.

Definition of Reability

Reliability is synonymous with consistency. it is the degree to which test scores for a an individual test taker or group of test takers are consistent over repeated applications.


Determining of Reability

>Internal consistency

Measures the reability of a test solely on the number of items on the test and the intercorrelation among the items. Therefore, it compares each item to every other item.

> Test-retest reliability

measured by computing the correlation coefficient between scores of two administrations.   

> Inter-rater reability

whenever you use humans as a part of your measurement procedure, you have worry about wherther the result you get are reliable or consistent.

> Split-half

refer to determining a correlation between the first half of the measurement and the second half of the measurement.
For example we would expect answer to the first half to be similar to the second half.

Factor that affecting reability

 > Administrator factors

poor or unclear direction given during administration or inaccurate scoring can affect reability.  

> Number of items on the instrument.
the larger the number the items, the greater the chances for high reability.
> Length of time between test and retest.
the shorter the time the greater the chance for high reability correlations coefficient
The relationship between validity and reability
> a test cannot be considered as valid unless the measurement resulting from it are reliable
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Blog presentation in contents.
Readers don’t understand presentation which use in short form writing.
Readers find it problematic because the explanation is too simple.
Explanation is easy to understand but the sequence illogical.
Explanation  in logical sequence that readers  can follow, good explanation but  not interesting
Excellent explanation, interesting and in logical sequence.
Diagram application
Without  picture, chart, graph and etc.
With diagram but not related with the topic discuss.
Related Diagram but not attractive.
Attractive diagram that visualize the topic discuss.
Related, attractive diagram that visualize the topic discuss and attached with simple description.
Blog background and template
Background without any attraction material
Simple pattern  of background with suitable colour but crowded with unrelated picture
Uniqeu with suitable colour of background and have a few of animation
Background that suitable to visualize the topic discuss in the blog and have attraction material
Attracted background that can visualize the topic discuss and with a few of animation and appropriate picture

Blog Presentation
Font used is not suitable with smaller font size and wrong pronunciation
Suitable font used with a lots of wrong pronuncation and the readers have difficulty in understanding
Appropriate font used with few of wrong pronunciation but still make readers easily to read
Correct pronunciation in most words with appropiate font used and the readers can understand.
Clear and correct pronunciation in most words with appropriate font used and all readers can understand easily .
Blog Updating and followers
No updating for about a few month. No followers
Updating but after  a lots of task are given. Have  followers less than ten
Updating but after the next task are given. Have followers more than ten
Updating before the next task given. Have many followers with comments.
Updating as soon as possible after the task are given. Have many followers with a lot of comments

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Pendekatan Inkuiri Melalui Pembelajaran Berasaskan Masalah 1
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Kertas 2 Peperiksaan Akhir Tahun Sains Tingkatan 4
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Kertas 1 Peperiksaan Akhir Tahun Sains Tingkatan 4

Kertas 1 Peperiksaan Akhir Tahun Sains Tingkatan 4
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Berikut merupakan kronologi ringkas mengenai isu PPSMI yang berlaku di dalam sistem pendidikan negara. Seperti yang dapat kita lihat isu yang terbaru adalah penangguhan pemansuhan PPSMI pada tahun 2012 kepada 2016 dan 2021.

Langkah tersebut dijalankan kerana mendapati sebahagian besar sekolah tidak menjalankan PPSMI sepenuhnya,sebaliknya menggunakan dwibahasa bagi kedua-dua pelajaran Sains dan Matematik itu. Selain itu, kajian mendapati tahap penguasaan bahasa Inggeris di kalangan pelajar tidak membantu mereka memahami konsep-konsep yang ada dalam 2 subjek terbabit.

Pada pandangan kami, pengumuman terbaru yang dibuat oleh Timbalan Perdana Menteri itu adalah lebih baik berbanding pemansuhan terus PPSMI pada tahun hadapan. Ini kerana ia dapat memberi peluang kepada mereka yang sedang mengikuti sistem PPSMI untuk meneruskan pengajian sehingga tamat tingkatan 5. Sekurang-kurangnya pelajar tidaklah terlalu terkejut dengan pertukaran yang dilakukan secara tiba-tiba itu.

Selain itu, penangguhan ini juga dapat membantu para guru untuk lebih bersedia mengajar Matematik dan Sains dalam bahasa melayu. Ini kerana kita tahu bahawa kebanyakan guru belajar menggunakan bahasa Inggeris ketika di universiti dan apa yang mereka belajar akan disampaikan kepada pelajar menggunakan bahasa Inggeris. Oleh itu dengan penangguhan pemansuhan PPSMI ini sekurang-kurangnya dapat memberi ruang kepada guru-guru tersebut untuk mengkaji dan membuat pelajaran semula tentang subjek tersebut dalam bahasa melayu terutama dari segi penggunaan perkataan saintifik (scientific term). 

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